John Steinbeck’s American monolith, somewhere between documentary realism and the Bible, where Sergio Leone meets The Little House on the Prairie.
“difficult to follow…much too loud…did not wholly pay off.”
Read Of Mice and Men’s worst review.
“López’s take on the tale is bold, imaginative and—despite the horrors which are played out—fun.”
Read Of Mice and Men’s best review.
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
October 017 Chapter, Cardiff
Director Mathilde López
Cast Anthony Corria (Wella), Sara Gregory, Neal McWilliams, Tom Mumford, Wil Young.
Set Designer Tina Torbey, Lighting Designer Ace McCarron, Costume Designer Brighde Penn, Composer Gareth Evans, Production Manager Matthew Davies, Stage Manager Nia Morris, Marketing Manager Lowri Johnston, Producer Glesni Price-Jones, Photography Studio Cano
Supported by Arts Council Wales, Chapter Arts Centre, Hijinx Theatre Company.
Lennie is strong and simple. George is short and sharp. They are migrant farm workers. It’s the Great Depression. It smells of sweat. Dogs get shot. Black people are lynched and women are whores. Lennie and George talk off living off the fat of the land, raising rabbits and auntie Clara’s blueberry pies.
Mae Lennie yn gryf ac yn ddiniwed. Mae George yn fyr ac yn siarp. Gweithwyr fferm mudol ydyn nhw. Mae’n gyfnod y Dirwasgiad Mawr. Mae arogl chwys ym mhobman. Caiff cŵn eu saethu. Caiff pobl dduon eu dienyddio, a phuteiniaid yw’r merched. Mae Lennie a George yn trafod byw’n dda oddi ar y tir, yn magu cwningod a bwyta tartenni llus Modryb Clara.